Lizzie Shirley singer and songwriter,  music and singing leader,  drama teacher and workshop leader, song arranger, actor, comedian and published poet.

Scotsman …’sings as sweetly as anyone in Edinburgh’

Time Out …’equally talented in both arts…a rare and ringing voice’.

5 Stars …’a blithe acoustic stance…utterly lovely’

South London Press : …’highly recommended’ …’a born performer’.



Available for performances of a political/Socialist set of radical songs, (including Brecht, anti-nuclear, Leon Rosselson, etc) In a performance called 'Sing and Survive'. with accompanist on piano.

And for performances as singer/songwriter - including political and social comment songs, love songs, and quirky fun songs.






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The New Threat

The new threat to womankind
Is very anti-science.

The suffragettes we are now taught to revere
Though they indeed used violence
To achieve their ends.
And sometimes they sacrificed their own lives.

Our present struggle
Seems even more insurmountable.
We have few sisters with us
And even fewer brothers.
How on earth do we find a platform
From which to answer the irrational lies,
With truth and clear-sightedness?

So many are now seduced
By a trend that denies us our voice,
By bullying
And by ramming it down innocents’ throats.

Are we now cramming ourselves
On to a sinking boat ?

The very people who are normally with us
Deride, mock and threaten us.

In order to win against being silenced,
Will we need to use violence ?

We are busy reinventing our wheel,
But more than that even,
It seems we have to reiterate
The Bible of biological science.


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