Lizzie Shirley singer and songwriter,  music and singing leader,  drama teacher and workshop leader, song arranger, actor, comedian and published poet.

Scotsman …’sings as sweetly as anyone in Edinburgh’

Time Out …’equally talented in both arts…a rare and ringing voice’.

5 Stars …’a blithe acoustic stance…utterly lovely’

South London Press : …’highly recommended’ …’a born performer’.



Available for performances of a political/Socialist set of radical songs, (including Brecht, anti-nuclear, Leon Rosselson, etc) In a performance called 'Sing and Survive'. with accompanist on piano.

And for performances as singer/songwriter - including political and social comment songs, love songs, and quirky fun songs.






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It doesn’t have to be like this

1. It doesn’t have to be like this
A demonstration a policeman’s fist
Rubber bullets thank god they missed
By pepper spray you were almost kissed
Encircling helicopters click and hiss

2. It doesn’t have to be like this
You feel exploited and the boss is pissed
You have to ask for more like Oliver Twist
You’re alienated – a malignant cyst
You die at home and you won’t be missed

3. It doesn’t have to be like this
Your freedom’s gone you’re a government risk
Police response is always brisk
You tell the truth but still they frisk
Your name is written on a government list

4. It doesn’t have to be like this
The market place is nothing but risk
Corporations, banks and media tryst
Exploitation with no justice
A champagne bar where the rich are pissed
It doesn’t have to be like this.



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