Lizzie Shirley singer and songwriter,  music and singing leader,  drama teacher and workshop leader, song arranger, actor, comedian and published poet.

Scotsman …’sings as sweetly as anyone in Edinburgh’

Time Out …’equally talented in both arts…a rare and ringing voice’.

5 Stars …’a blithe acoustic stance…utterly lovely’

South London Press : …’highly recommended’ …’a born performer’.



Available for performances of a political/Socialist set of radical songs, (including Brecht, anti-nuclear, Leon Rosselson, etc) In a performance called 'Sing and Survive'. with accompanist on piano.

And for performances as singer/songwriter - including political and social comment songs, love songs, and quirky fun songs.






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If a table

If a table

Is able

To be a chair -


If a chair thinks it is not fair

To be called a pot of marmalade,

Don't give the marmalade

An accolade.

If a laptop can be

A Number 12 bus,

Please make a fuss.

If there is nothing

left in the world to trust,

Where are our children

That need to trust


What do they call us ?

Mad? Ridiculous?

Insane? Crazy?

But that's just daft -

Cos we are sane

We are reasonable,

We are level-headed,

We are fair

To believe

A table is a chair.

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POEM for Izzard c 2020 by