Lizzie Shirley singer and songwriter,  music and singing leader,  drama teacher and workshop leader, song arranger, actor, comedian and published poet.

Scotsman …’sings as sweetly as anyone in Edinburgh’

Time Out …’equally talented in both arts…a rare and ringing voice’.

5 Stars …’a blithe acoustic stance…utterly lovely’

South London Press : …’highly recommended’ …’a born performer’.



Available for performances of a political/Socialist set of radical songs, (including Brecht, anti-nuclear, Leon Rosselson, etc) In a performance called 'Sing and Survive'. with accompanist on piano.

And for performances as singer/songwriter - including political and social comment songs, love songs, and quirky fun songs.






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Autumn Catwalk

By Lizzie Shirley c2020

A chilly seasonal morning
the sunlight pours in
Like milk from a jug
The leaves are almost ready
Preparing for their moment
To strut their stuff.

They clear their throats expectantly
And they glance in the mirror
Like a sassy saloon singer
In a Western.

They allure, they smirk
"Ain't I gorgeous ?" they ask.
Deep breath.

"Yes everybody, I'm here !
Adore me! That's an order.
Love my colours. Love my intensity.
Love my breadth.
Gasp in admiration. Love the ephemeral of me.
Let me be ravishing, let me glow.
Let me inadvertently steal the show
At the Autumn Catwalk.

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